
Lebal Drocer ‘apologizes’ for killbots run amok

The infamous Lebal Drocer, Inc. is facing pressure after patented kill-bot technology turns on the one percent! They were never supposed to kill people who matter!

Hatesec offers a doozy of a cover story for the defamed corporation, as the conversation takes a dark turn to shitty roommates, murderous junky landlords, and autofellatio.


Midnight in the Hateland: Tales of UFOs, Alien Encounters, and Abduction

A monumental dialogue takes place between two prominent Internet Chronicle reporters. Join hatesec, along with lead UFO researcher at kilgoar, as they break new ground in the study of Bob Lazar’s technical drawings of a real UFO that he claims to have touched and inspected. Cmdr. David Fravor’s encounter with the ‘tic-tac’ UFO is at the center of the discussion, interwoven with tales of intergalactic warfare, and credible accounts of alien abduction. Memory wiping, real or not? New video emerges of lights over Arizona.