
Midnight in the Hateland: Tales of UFOs, Alien Encounters, and Abduction

A monumental dialogue takes place between two prominent Internet Chronicle reporters. Join hatesec, along with lead UFO researcher at kilgoar, as they break new ground in the study of Bob Lazar’s technical drawings of a real UFO that he claims to have touched and inspected. Cmdr. David Fravor’s encounter with the ‘tic-tac’ UFO is at the center of the discussion, interwoven with tales of intergalactic warfare, and credible accounts of alien abduction. Memory wiping, real or not? New video emerges of lights over Arizona.


Sittin’ on the dox of the Bay: notdan joins the show

Someone called notdan joins the program. We don’t know who he is. He just called in. If you really want to know who he is, you could try asking Brian Krebs.

Hate Radio is a production, and the Internet Chronicle rocks.

This episode of Hate Radio features music by Force of Nature DVNNY DVNTVLION.